
A new primitive to generate yield.

In each network, the protocol has 1 staking pool:

Native asset pool for: WETH/WBNB/WAVAX/WFTM/WMATIC/arbitrum ETH

You can stake these coins to provide liquidity and make money from it, essentially a new tool for staking native network coins

These pools are used by the protocol to make cost-effective deals:

  1. Flashloan provision

  2. Protocol arbitrage

Each of the transactions brings a benefit to the protocol, which is distributed among all participants in the transaction

  • The 0.05% income from flashloans is shared by 40% for protocol and 60% for LPs

  • 60% of arbitrage income is divided between traders 10% going to the stakers 30% to the Treasury and users (Refferer & LMX LP's)

Last updated